COSine and Another Review


This past weekend I attended COSine, a small SF convention held annually in Colorado Springs, my hometown.  It was, as has been the case every year I have attended, an excellent experience.  The Guest of Honor Jo Walton, Science Guest Jon Singer, and Special Guests Connie and Courtney Willis were all fantastic. The same can be said for all the other attendees that I interacted with, including dozens of other authors, scientists and engineers.

I was on three panels that I think were reasonably successful. You would think by now that I would have figured out that I should announce such appearances ahead of time rather than inform you about them after the fact. But the low volume of traffic here at this site, plus the need to spend my time writing fiction, tends to result in these posts taking a back seat. I will try to do better in the future. In any case, the convention was outstanding and I encourage you to join us next year.

On the review front at Amazing Stories Magazine, I recently posted a a Scide Splitters blog examining four stories by William Tenn: “Party of the Two Parts,” “The Flat-Eyed Monster,” “Lisbon Cubed,” and “On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi!” If nothing else, find and read “Party of the Two Parts.” It is just too funny.

Fun with search engines department: Looking for a graphic to use in association with this post, I put “COSine 2017” in as my search terms and Yahoo gave me -0.798635510047