Northern Colorado Writers Workshop & April Scide Splitters

writingI am excited to announce that I have been accepted into the Northern Colorado Writers Workshop.  This is an ongoing writer’s group that I hope will help me hone my writing skills.  To quote Wikipedia, “The Northern Colorado Writers Workshop is an invitation-only, non-profit writing workshop founded in 1972 by Edward Bryant. The writing genres of its members include mainly science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mystery. Membership in the workshop is generally limited to professional and near-professional writers, and includes a number of Hugo, Nebula, Bram Stoker, International Horror Guild, and World Fantasy Award winners.

I shouldn’t drop names, but what the hell – also from Wikipedia, “…has produced a number of notable writers, including Steve Rasnic Tem, Melanie Tem, John Dunning, Wil McCarthy, Bruce Holland Rogers, Dan Simmons, and Connie Willis.”

Did I mention that I am excited!

And on the Scide Splitters front, this month I review Fredric Brown’s classic, Martians, Go Home.  Very funny stuff, but avoid the movie adaptation like the plague.